Prachi Grow With Skills is a series specially planned and developed for the tiny-tots entering into the world of learning. The books of the series are innovative, imaginative, creative and full of interesting activities. These books have primarily been developed for pre-primary classes. The teaching techniques adopted in the series for learning are through hearing, seeing, touching, exploring and experimenting.
Pre-School Series - Number : Pre-writing strokes to enable the beginners to learn the use of thumb and forefinger grasp. Simple-to-complex approach to learn and write with ease. Colourful illustrations to involve the children in the learning process. Creative Activities to learn with fun. Ample space for practice.
For Classes I to VIII
Salient Features :
Things to remember is given for the students to learn and recall important concepts, rules and formulae related to a chapter.
Exercises are given with a variety of questions which improve various mathematical skills of the children.
Multiple choice questions (MCQs) are provided for the students to think objectively and logically
Fill in the blanks and True False are given for the students to test their knowledge of the chapter.
Match the columns are provided which help the students to tackle more than one topic together.
Figures are neat and properly labelled for the student to interpret the given data precisely.
Basic concepts of Vedic Maths are provided for the students which enhance their calculation skills.
PRACHI Plus Four Series Special Series for Beginners For LKG & UKG Actual process of learning begins around the age of four for a child. At this tender age, the child is inquisitive and starts recognising as he grows. This is a crucial time when a child starts interacting with the surrounding. Plus Four Series is a unique attempt to ease out and make the process of learning creative according to the child psychology. Simple text is presented in a colourful manner with the help of attractive illustrations.
Number Book For LKG & UKG
Prachi Magic Numbers is a set of two books specially designed for tiny-tots. The first book introduces the numbers from 1 to 50, while the second book further extends from 1 to 100. The learners will be able to build and boost their counting abilities.
प्राची 'गणित' की यह पुस्तक माध्यमिक शिक्षा परिषद, उत्तर प्रदेश द्वारा निर्धारित नवीनतम पाठ्यक्रमानुसार निर्मित है I इसमें कक्षा-शिक्षा में उपयोगी व निर्धारित विषयवस्तु पर आधारित प्रश्नों को ही समाहित किया गया है, जो छात्रों के लिए अत्यंत उपयोगी ज्ञानवर्धक एवं सहायक सिद्ध होगी I इस पुस्तक में गणित विषय को 'सरल से कठिन को ओर' की स्थापित आधारभूत परिकल्पना के अनुरूप प्रस्तुत करने का प्रयास किया गया है I
Ganit Mala Class Pre to IV
গণিত মালা
শ্রেণী - প্রবেশিকা থেকে চতুর্থ
গণিত শাস্ত্রের অধ্যায়ন সকল ছাত্রছাত্রীদের জীবনে একটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ অধ্যায়। কেননা প্রাথমিক পর্যায় থেকে এই বিষয়টিকে ঠিকমতো অনুধাবন করতে না পারলে ছাত্রছাত্রীদের পিছিয়ে পড়তে হয় ।
এই বিষয়গুলির কথা মাথায় রেখে আমরা গণিত মালা পর্যায়ে শূণ্য থেকে চার-এই পাঁচটি বই প্রকাশ করেছি। প্রতিটি বই অত্যন্ত সহজ সরল ভাষায় রঙীন ও বাস্তব সম্মত ছবির সাহায্যে গণিতের বিষয়গুলিকে ছেলেমেয়েদের বোঝানো হয়েছে। বাস্তব বিষয়গুলিকে নিয়ে গণিতের গণনা শেখানো হয়েছে।